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Dry eye disease prevention in the elderly

Dry eye disease common in the elderly. If the disease is not detected and treated in time can lead to more serious complications.

Besides helping to avoid the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Elderly people should limit going out in the afternoon sun.

When swimming, the elderly also need glasses to protect your eyes water not contaminated by the chlorinated pool.

Eating foods rich in omega-3

The eye specialist advises elderly people should consume foods rich in omega-3 to help prevent dry eye, as well as soothing for sore eyes when. Foods rich in omega-3s include fish such as tuna, salmon, olive oil ... Foods rich in vitamin A Besides food rich in omega-3, the elderly also need supplements of vitamin A for care and protect your eyes. Foods rich in vitamin A such as carrots, milk, almonds, green vegetables ... In addition, green tea and chamomile tea is useful to improve dry eye, eye aches while fighting.

Use artificial tears Small artificial tears, effective ocular surface cleaning, disinfection, ensuring and maintaining the cornea in visual function. But you should not be abused and should be noted when using artificial tears Blinking Always practice the habit blinked frequently, especially when reading the newspaper, watching television, working with computers to avoid illness dry eye.

Sleep enough sleep from 7-8h a day is a way to recover from a day eye study and work. When staying up late will sunken eyes, when you insomnia lasting imprint eye will leave the dark circles on lower lashes. When you're healthy, get enough sleep, the eyes will be flexible, have more spirit.

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