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How to manage fever in elderly ?

Fever in elderly need to be processed quickly to help the elderly avoid dangerous complications. 

Due to the aging body, elderly people often suffer some chronic illness when fever if unsure how to respond immediately to the temperature rises too high, the elderly may be complications due to changes in body heat affects the disease. Elderly health thus also increasingly weakened. 

Many complications of fever in elderly 

Fever in elderly often appear complications such as 

disturbances consciousness: lethargy, delirium, urinary incontinence or aggravate the cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diseases diabetes ... and duration of treatment will last longer

Gastrointestinal system, fever in the elderly would make more poor appetite, anorexia, vomiting, abdominal pain, white tongue moss bitter and close ... Fever in elderly also cause less urine, hot, dark urine, sometimes lead to difficulty urinating, state tachypnea, cough, shortness of breath ... at the cardiovascular system in the elderly fever tachycardia, could be stronger than blood higher pressure, the condition of myocardial ischemia may be more severe, may have arrhythmias ... cardiac complications are prone to make elderly people with sudden high fever. 

Upon detection of fever in the elderly, must promptly wipe cool to cool 

when elderly people appear symptoms such as:

Dry mouth, thirst, rapid breathing, a sweating thermometer should pair immediately if fever over 38 degrees C to prepare right means to reduce fever in the elderly at home. Mild fever is when temperature from 37.6 degrees Celsius to 37.9 degrees Celsius; fever just as the temperature from 38 degrees C to 38.9 degrees C; high fever when the temperature from 39 degrees Celsius or higher. 

If elderly people have a mild fever to hypothermia immediately. Lau is way cool in elderly antipyretic effective, easy to implement and less expensive while providing very good performance. Method: Using a handkerchief dipped in the bowl of cold water, squeeze dry areas apply on forehead, underarm pit sides ... sometimes the patient lying on his back to wipe the area.

Limiting packs to the chest or the back because when defeated fever, the patient will be susceptible to cough. Often becomes difficult when the patient feels more comfortable, the people agitation, the temperature should be checked and each check so slightly dry armpit pit. Up to about 10-15 minutes to pair the temperature is ideal to avoid confusion in the elderly fever lowered by cold towels to reduce skin temperature in place but body temperature remains high. 

It should not be a blanket, wearing many clothes or not wearing warm clothes because the temperature makes people rise. Reducing fever in the elderly and antipyretic drugs are only temporary. Once the temperature lowered to bring the patient to the doctor for a check and be done a number of tests needed to find the cause of the fever and were treated better.

Upon detection of fever in the elderly, may use paracetamol 0.5g oral tablets or effervescent tablets or rectal for fever. When using effervescent tablets must dissolve the tablet in a cup of boiled water and wait for new drugs dissolve drink. 

Due to the effervescent tablets contain a salt content available sodium bicarbonate so when used to treat fever in the elderly with chronic diseases such as hypertension, kidney ... must be specified by a physician. The average dose of paracetamol for adults is 0.5g once, from 2-4 times / day. Paracetamol is popular, easy to use, but if overdose and prolonged use, the drug still has many side effects and complications is quite dangerous, especially in the elderly. Therefore, when you need to cool down in the elderly fever medication, be used in accordance with instructions of the doctor.

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